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Tag: qa ukraine armylundentechcrunch deputy oleksandr ukraine

Qa Ukraine Armylundentechcrunch Deputy Information Oleksandr

Qa Ukraine Armylundentechcrunch Deputy Information Oleksandr

QA Ukraine ArmyLundenTechCrunch Deputy Information Oleksandr,Ukraine is one of the most militarized countries in the world, with a large and well-trained army. Recently, the Ukrainian government has made a number of reforms to modernize the armed forces, and they are now looking to ensure the highest quality of training and information is given to their service personnel. In order to do this, they have appointed Oleksandr as the Deputy Information Officer to the Ministry of Defence. Here we take a look at his role and the work he is doing to help the Ukrainian army. Oleksandr's Role Oleksandr is responsible for coordinating and leading the Ministry of Defence's QA (Quality Assurance) process. He is responsible for ensuring that all information that is shared with the Ukrainian Army is of...